Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why I Like the Westboro Church Folks

I don’t know why everyone is making such a fuss about these Westboro church people, the ones that protest at military funerals. I think they have a good point- of course Jesus killed these cowards, over their tacit acceptance of homosexuality. In fact, I’m pretty fed up with our military. First we had "don’t ask don’t tell", and now there’s nothing at all to prevent a marine from sucking off his sergeant nightly, a situation my husband Mark has agonized over many a time – in fact, he even subscribes a website that re-enacts this dangerous and abhorrent scenario and views it nightly.
As far as I’m concerned, our “boys” in Iraq and Kazhakstan deserve everything they get, up to and including being blown to bits by some swarthy towelhead. I can’t be seen with my Westboro brothers and sisters for political reasons, but believe you me, I express my disgust even more vividly than they do. Sometimes, late at night, I’ll break into Arlington National Cemetery, did up a few heathen military corpses, and piss and shit all over them. Sometime I’ll even fuck some random guy atop a military corpse, just to show even more disrespect. I especially love doing this to black corpses, those porch monkeys shouldn’t even be buried in a white cemetery to begin with!

Anyway, as commander in chief, I plan to make a few changes to our military. Bar fags from serving? Haha, it’s far too late for those pagans to redeem themselves with that. No, I intend to get full revenge for their disgusting liberal policies, sending them into hopeless battles all over the world, where they will hopefully die by the thousands. "W" did this proudly, and I fully plan to continue his grand tradition of destoying our military through vengeful sabotage.

I’m just sayin’…

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